I haven't written about the cats in a while so I figured it was about time for a Kitty Post!!
So...Sat night I was cuddeling with Riddle (the fat black one) and noticed that his eye had some pretty severe boogers going on, so I clear them away and don't think about them anymore.
Sunday morning I pick him up before church and notice they are back, if not worse. His eye is kinda half open and he looks like someone punched him. So this time I clear off the crusties and dig out any other boogers (this whole time Bryan is getting sick by the way, he HATES boogers)
Sunday night it is starting to look really bad so I decide it's time to consult Google about Kitty Eye infections. The first thing I read is about how severe cats can get eye infections and how it can be a sign of FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) AKA Kitty AIDS, this of course freaks me out. I start cuddeling with Riddle and looking for a Vet as if his life depends on it. After looking a at a bunch of Vets and reading some scary reviews, I finally find one up in Cottonwood. The next morning I call, literally as they opened, and made an appointment for 5:30 that night. The whole time i'm at work trying not to imagine having to put Riddle down because he has FIV or about him someone passing it onto the other 2 kitties.
So yesterday I leave work a little early, convince Bryan that he can't go to the Chiro but has to come with me, we put Riddle in his little red harness and we take off. At the vet we were the only ones with cats, luckily Riddle didn't freak out when he was put face to face with 3 dogs bigger than him.
So we get into the room, i'm still thinking he has Kitty AIDS and the Dr. looks at him for 2 minutes, tells me us it looks like one of the other cats scratched him in the eye, gives him some eye drops and we're done.
All worries of Kitty AIDS out the window, which makes me very happy. Riddle is the cuddliest cutest cat I have ever met, he is seriously my baby, he even talks back when we ask him questions, so the idea of not having him is unbearable.
So if your cat ever has an eye infection, DON'T GOOGLE IT!!! It will look like Kitty AIDS. Also if you still have time, be a vet $45 for 5 minutes of work, must be nice.
ps Here is Riddle the morning after we brought him home, he was still skinny back then.
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