Monday, March 14, 2011
Oh...hey there

From the minds of Watson World at 7:13 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
...and i'm a mormon
So, out here in Minnesota they have been running the new mormon.org ads nonstop. They have also announced at the pulpit that they are encouraging people to create their own profiles. This has lead me to think what I would write about and most importantly what my tagline would be. You see most people talk about their hobbies, jobs, education, or world championships they have won, whatever. Well, my hobbies have been put on hold while I move and watch my son; my job is a stay at home mom/wife, I am no longer in school and besides the championships I have won in my dreams, i've got nothing. I am simply a mom and wife. And then I realized, i'm not just a mom and wife, i'm a MOM and a WIFE, the best job in the entire world.
I am lucky that my days consist of talking to a 7 month old in silly voices, grateful that I can make breakfast and pack a lunch for my husband. My fancy work clothes are replaced by pajama pants, ponytails and tennis shoes, my business lunches are replaced by peanut butter jelly sandwiches and a baby spitting up mac and cheese. I stay at home and raise my son so we don't have to pay for child care, and I spend my days trying to find ways to save money so that I can stay home and raise the son that I chose to have; this means that we don't get to go on fancy trips to Hawaii and have put off buying a house so we can have a savings account. I no longer receve a paycheck, but I get to be home and catch every first of my son, make him giggle, cuddle him when he is sick or hurt. I stay home and support my husband who works long hours and then goes to school so someday we can have a better life, I am there for every frustrated phone call, and to give a hug and kiss as soon as he walks in the door. I have put off my own personal desires and and dreams for those of my sonand family and I could not be happier.
So I am proud to say that I am a mother, a wife; i'm a penny pincher. My name is Molly Watson and i'm a Mormon.
From the minds of Watson World at 4:57 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
Wisconsin or Bust
So...in case you haven't read on Facebook, didn't recieve a text or couldn't hear me shout it from my rooftop, we are headed to Wisconsin. Moving home. YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Why you might ask? Well, back in December Bryan interviewed for a job with my best friends dad to work for the city of Hudson, WI (15 min away from my home town). He then did a phone interview in the middle of April and then we waited and waited and waited oh and waited some more till about a week and a half ago when we finally got a call informing us that we got the job and get to move home!!! Problem? Bryan has to start the 21st of June. Holy freaking crapparooni. So this upcoming Sat Bryan will pack up the cats and his clothes and drive across the country. Then the next Fri my family comes out to help me pack up the U-Haul(the U-Haul that is completely destroying our savings plan) and driving this
all 1,340 miles of it to River Falls....with a 4 month old....stuck in a carseat....one who does not like said carseat....a 4 month old who can scream with the lungs of a creature from the depths of h3ll!!! wish me luck.
PS did I mention we are buying a house? Oh man when did I grow up? Oh right, when that baby came out of my body and looked at me like I was him mom.
From the minds of Watson World at 6:14 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I can hit that
Caelum has finally started to realize that there are toys dangeling above him and he has the power to hit them. His hand eye coordination isn't quite there yet, he's working on it, so he kind of randomly throws him arm around and will sometimes hit it. He has already improved in the 48 hours that he has been doing it. The funniest part is that he only hits with his right arm, he uses his left arm for balance, but he stares at the toy above his left arm and concentrates so hard on it. Sometimes he'll start fussing because he just doesn't understand why he can't hit it. Seriously my baby is growing up so fast.
Oh and the funniest part is that he also kicks at this ball at the end, and about one in five times he'll fart while he does it which makes him giggle even harder. He is soo my son.
From the minds of Watson World at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Funny Mommy Moments
so being a mom is great, hard, gross and sometimes freaking hilarious. examples:
From the minds of Watson World at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Dragons and Babies
So if you know Bryan and me at all you will know that we love love love going to the movies. Our first year of marriage we saw 47 movies in 52 weeks. So when we saw a preview for How to Train Your Dragon we knew we wanted to see it, but we knew we would have a baby that would be around a month old. Well we figured we would try to take the baby with us, we were going to risk waking up the baby when the big Dragon fight occured, took a chance that he wouldn't start to fuss and cry in the middle forcing us to leave and waste $30.
He loves to balance on Bryan
From the minds of Watson World at 7:15 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
Super Mom Vanished
Yup, that didn't last long.
So we have been trying to get Caelum on a schedule, get him to sleep more during the day (he only sleeps about 4-5 hours right now and he needs 8) and longer and more at night (he sleeps for approx 6) well, he has learned to start fighting me when i'm trying to put him to sleep. That means screaming.
When we first brought Caelum home he was quiet and content and he would fall asleep right at 10:30 and though he was a loud sleeper he still slept. That's all gone now. Now he screams when I try to put him down to sleep and he screams in the middle of the day when I try to make him take a nap. I'm not going to lie, I usually cry right along with him, I just don't know what to do and how to get him to actually sleep. So right now life is a little harder than I thought it would be at this point. Wish us luck in these next couple months while we work with Caelum and while I try to deal with him crying through the night.
From the minds of Watson World at 8:05 PM 1 comments