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Friday, November 6, 2009

Gold Medal Baby

I was born at the end of January 1984 and my mom always tells me that she used to nurse me while sitting on the couch watching the Olympics, and ever since I have had a sometimes unhealthy obsession with anything Olympics related.

So what? Well, the other morning the Today Show was running a special 100 day countdown to the 2012 Vancouver Winter Olympics and that's when it hit me. Holy Crap my baby could be born during the Olympics, how freaking awesome would that be. As of right now the games start Feb 12th and i'm due Feb 22nd, and i'm just hoping that I will get so excited during the games that it will trigger baby to come out.
Now here is why this would be even more awesome. Not sure if any of you have ever tried to talk to me while i'm paying attention to my friend the TV, but it doesn't really work, I can zone out anything if I am watching something interesting. This frustrates Bryan to no end, he says he's the guy and that should be him paying attention to the TV, well I have the attention span of that cute dog on Up when he sees a "squirrel!!"

So what i'm saying, is if by some Olympic Miracle (they've happend, 1980 US Hockey Team) this baby decides to come during the opening cermonies, figure skating, Hockey or even Skiing then I hope that my years of practice for tuning people out will come in handy for contractions. I have the faith that I can zone in on team USA and push that baby out with minimul pain, and then i'll hold and cuddle him during a commercial break. I'm just kidding, unless it's during a gold medal game, then there may have to be some serious debate.