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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Declaring War

My precious little bundle of joy has apparently declared war on my tummy. Specifically he has declared war on my right side. I am currently sitting here trying to type and my right arm keeps bopping up and down because lil W is kicking me, or headbutting me, or he has extremely powerful farts that have the magical ability to look like a mini expolosion (I can only hope).

Seriously though, it's the exact same spot on my right hand side about 4 inches to the right of my belly button.
In case you can't imagine it, right here. And yes I realize i'm starting to look big, but I was just not one of those lucky girls who only looks like she's pregnant from the front, I look pregnant all over.
I don't know if there is something on the wall that's annoying him and so he's trying to beat the crap out of it or maybe he overheard a preview from Ninja Assasins last night while we were watching TV and has decided to practice his ninja skills and accuracy.
Now, I know that baby kicking is a blessing, it lets me know he is ok and growing, but at the same time I don't like him doing Civil War reenactments when i'm trying to concentrate and especially not when i'm trying to fall asleep. Although it will be cute when he starts to try and beat up imaginary spots on the wall when he isn't doing inside me but rather in his crib.


Unknown said...

that picture made me laugh :) You look adorable pregnant chica!

Nourishing Creations said...

you look cute though! enjoy the kicking, it gets better (more intense!) ;)