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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Yes, I realize that we are already half way through the month. Don't worry one of my resolutions is to stop putting things off. So today I figured I would change my background off of Happy New Year and write about my resolutions. However, first things is currently down, their server went down and they need to buy a new one. If anyone loves their backgrounds and wants to help getting it back up, please click HERE
So, back to me (it's my blog, if you don't want to read about me, well then go somewhere else). I've been thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish this year and what i'm going to resolve to do; and besides the obvious ex. lose weight, eat better, win my battle with zits. I have come up with a couple more that I think will improve my life

1) Stop comparing myself to others-OHH MY GOSH, i'm horrible at this, and it's really starting to take its tole on me. I blog stalk a lot and i'm constantly comparing myself and my life to everyone else out there in blog land. Some people my age have a house, or already have 3 kids, or have husbands in Law School (everyone seems to be going to law school) and I start thinking that i'm way behind or inadequate because we live in a little apartment with 3 cats rather than kids and Bryan is only just finishing up his associates (I married a man a year younger than I am so he's only 23, if you add in the mission is is actually right on track). So i'm stopping, i'm in a very happy marriage, we live comfortably and my 3 cats are cuter than some kids i've seen out there (you know it's true)

2)I'm going to be happy where I am and with who I am. Goes along with Res #1. I'm always waiting for the next thing, i'm excited for this summer or fall 2009. I'm going to like it right here right now. If it's winter i'm going to love winter....if it's summer i'm going to love summer. If i'm a brunetter instead of a blonde than i'm going to like it.

3)I'm going to stop being annoyed with people who think they are superior to me because their blogs are not about their families, or because they are in grad school, this doesn't make you any better than anyone else, or any more intelligent (you just sound arrogant)

4)I'm going to do my best to start my family (aka have a baby)-Bryan and I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Our prophets and members of the 12 have been saying for years, DON'T PUT OFF STARTING YOUR FAMILY, there is no excuse!!! Got that NO EXCUSE!! I have talked to a lot of people out there who think they are exempt from this commandment because they don't have money, they are in school, they live in a tiny apartment (with 3 cats), or whatever other reason. Well Bryan was at work in December and had a devotional lunch(he works for the church) and got to sit nex to Elder Scott...well guess what he said "Don't put it off for ANYTHING, there is NO EXCUSE". We are done making our excuses, done putting it off. So with any luck this year I will be preggo.

Those are the most important ones. A lot of self improvement. Good luck to every one else on their New Year's Resolutions, wish me luck on mine : )


Steph said...

it's true i swear EVERYONE has a spouse in law school.

sigh, i struggle with the same comparing-myself-to others thing to. good to know i'm not alone.