So um, have you ever come home from grocery shopping and and sniffed around your apartment and smelt something burning; but you figure that since they are working on the apartment next to yours that it was just something they were working on, so you ignore it and the smell gets worse? Than you go to unload the dishwasher and the smell suddenly intensifies? Than while unloading you find a WOODEN SPOON BURNT TO THE COILS?
Well I have, in fact I did it yesterday. I love wooden spoons, so anytime I lose one to a break, or over washing, or in this case burned to death in the dishwasher, I get a little sad. I should really stop buying them because all that enter my home, die horrible splintery deaths.
So below is a picture of my dearly departed wooden spoon. I will miss you (until tomorrow when I replace you : )
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