So if you don't live in Utah, you should know that apparently God decided to hit the Winter switch and it dropped over 40 degrees in a 24 hour period. Tuesday it was nice and 85 and then Wed was cold and 40 something.
Well the drastic change has also caused my body to hit the Cold Switch. Meaning i've got a slight cough (do you know how painful it is to have a slight cough when your pregnant, I think my uterus might detach itself with every hack), my nose is stuffy and I have those everyday cold symptoms.
So that means that today, I dressed for work like normal, dress, jewelry, grabbed heels; but then I decided to take some extras. I actually wore my Uggs to work, walked across Temple Square and into the JSMB in a dress, Uggs, and a zip up fleece sweater just in case. I don't want to take any chances of catching a cold, so all day today I will be sitting behind my desk with my boots on and huddled up in my sweater drinking hot chocolate. If you give me a heated blanket I will be in heaven. 
That is the sexy view under my desk. Man i'm hot.
PS baby has been kicking me the entire time i've been trying to type, so apparently he wants to say "Hi". So please except this hello from Baby Watson.
Seriously! What happened to fall? I love the boots. When you're prego, comfort is the #1 goal, though you don't always reach it.
I am a little scared/curious as to why every couple in Utah thinks they should have a blog. Mind you, some of them are funny and actually worth reading every once in a while. But for those who only blog to say "today was awesome" or "I love (husband) so much!" who are we trying to kid. and yes, I say husband because I don't know many husbands who keep the couple blog.
Anyway, that is unrelated!
I have been wearing long-sleeve thermal shirts for a couple weeks now. Winter has come too soon. OH! and of course the last couple days has been rain 24/7. Why The Face Mother Nature? Why The Face!
(It's an acronym)
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