So first, let me say it wasn't really an attack, just a scared cat. OK now on with the story.
Every morning when Bryan and I wake up we let the cats into the bedroom. Bryan heads off to take a shower and I head to the master bathroom, and the cats follow. They never follow Bryan, just me. I have my own little kitty entourage.
As i'm getting ready Lupin (gray fluffy) plops himself on the toilet tank and whines till I pet him, which I do while brushing my teeth. Riddle (fat black) flops down on the floor so I can scratch his belly with my feet while I do everything else. Tonks (tail less wonder) sits outside the door cause he's afraid of the sound of water and blow dryer.
So anyway, this morning as I finish washing my face, I reach over the top of Lupin's head to grab a towel and dry off. Well as i'm pulling on the towel, the towel rack pulls off the wall, falls right on Lupin scaring him half to death. This resulted in him bolting around the bathroom looking for an escape, in turn scaring the crap out of Riddle who, after banging into the wall a few times ran screaming out of the bathroom.
Unfortunately for me during this, I had 2 freaked out and pissed off cats running around and ripping apart my right foot.
I tried to calm down the cats and dry my face when I looked down with my blurry vision (no contacts in yet and glasses were off because of before mentioned face washing) and saw a giant pool of blood appearing on the floor and my foot. However, instead of stopping the bleeding, I first decided to finish drying my face and put on my glasses. Then I got a look at it.

This is an after shot, as in after I banged on the wall until Bryan got out of the shower. You see being 5 months pregnant hinders your ability to bend over and touch your toes. I can do it, but it usually results in a swift kick to the bladder by a pissed off baby. By the time Bryan got in half my foot was covered in blood. So Bryan pulled out the Iodine, yes iodine apparently we have not progressed past the 1980's, and poured it on my foot to clean it out and stop the bleeding.
Now i'll tell you, it still hurts like a martha focker and I have a fun bruise because apparently my cats are so fat that they can cause a bruise by merely jumping on my foot, but it was totally worth it to 1)see my cats freak out like that, good times and 2)watch Bryan run in dripping wet, barely holding a towel trying to figure out why his wife's foot is falling off. Ah, the precious moments.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I couldn't stop laughing!!! I'm sorry you got hurt but the way you tell the story is very amusing!
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