Oh sweet fall!!! There are many things I love about fall...weather, Halloween, sweaters, the smell of apple cider, but one of the best is the return of my good friend TV!!
In the spring I was left feeling abandoned by my good friend, he only told me partial stories and left me hanging there for 4 months!!!
So during the glorious holiday known as Premier Week I will literally sit on my butt every night from 7-10 PM. If you try to call me between these hours I will deliberatly ignore your call. I will be cooking dinners that can be eaten at the coffee table and cleaned up during commercial breaks, maybe, sometimes 2 good shows are on at the same time so I flip during commercials. So dinners may consist of take out : )
So tonight I will be sitting on my butt watching this:

And on Thursday I will be crying and watching this:
and all the fun new shows in between. This is the week where decisions are made, who will I watch/Tivo the rest of the year? Will I give you a second chance and try again next week? Are you worth my 30 min-1 hour a week?
I hope you all have a happy Premier Week and remember don't call me betwen 7-10, serious, I will ignore you!!
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