So in case you hadn't heard already, Bryan and I found out last Wednesday that we are having a baby boy.
We are extremely excited. However, at the time, we were so ready to get away from the Ultrasound that we kinda didn't care.
First off, no one told me I didn't have to drink water during this ultrasound, I previously had to drink 32 ounces of water before hand. So during the entire thing I was seriously worried about peeing on the technician. Then the first lady ( I say first because there were 3 different people poking me) started at the head and took her sweet time working her way down, showing us every little bone and organ. Which is nice, don't get me wrong, but we specifically told her we wanted to know the sex, and I have to pee. So after 30 minutes she casually says " and so I guess I think it's a boy, everytime he moves his legs there is a little shadow, I can't tell for sure but I think it's a boy"
Umm, can you say anti climatic!!! I was kind of annoyed, no big hurrah or light show, she didn't even look at us or show us when she said it. Boo. So then she has to run off so she hands it to another "Dr" aka med student who apparently feels it's inappropriate to talk at all during his poking and proding. So instead he stares at the babies head for 15 minutes trying to take measurements. During all this the baby is jumping around, kicking, punching and apparently putting on some in utero performance.
Finally the real Dr. comes in and takes over, at this point I am allowed to relieve myself, thanx to some warning that I seriously will wet myself. At this point he starts jiggeling the baby around trying to get him to spread his little legs, and another 15-20 minutes later....ta da!!!! Right there for all of us to see is his little manhood. At this point he says "yup, you are definately having a boy" at which point I joke "or a very screwed up little girl" I laugh, Bryan laughs, the Dr looks at me with this pitty in his eyes for our future son. 

Here is Baby Watson. Now, we have a problem. We have NO idea what to name him and are more then open to suggestions. Keep in mind the kid is already screwed with Bryan and I for parents so let's not make it worst with names like Morton or Harry. Also, we finally registered at Target, just to let you know : )
Thats funny! We had three people too. Oh and my anesthesiologist was a Dr Myer. I was really worried and scared for my epidural too, but I was in so much pain, I didn't care how much that needle pinched! Plus, I didn't see anything when he did it. He even put it in during a contraction, probably to take my mind off the needle and remind me why I wanted it in the first place. I could never go natural! Those contractions were the worst pain I was ever in and the epidural was heaven sent. I didn't feel a thing once I got it, except the urge to push when it was time. You'll totally lose that fear when you're in labor!
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