So, let's start at the beginning of this 4 day Holiday Weekend.

Here is a picture of Riddle sniffing the bag. I know this is incredibly hillbilly, but we needed the turkey to be thawed.
So luckily the turkey thawed in plenty of time and didn't taste like shampoo at all. However, the next morning we found all 3 cats sniffing and licking the tub in hopes of some turkey remains. We ended up bleaching the whole tub on Sat just to be safe : )
So...the turkey turned our great, by the way. While we were waiting for the turkey to cook up in Coalville the boys and myself decided to go do a little bit of shooting. So below are a couple pics. I would also like to mention that my husband was the best shot there, even better than the cop : )
Being all manly
Talking about how good of shots they all are (we actually all sucked, Bryan and Allen are the only 2 who hit the can, I was lucky I didn't shoot anyone)
Tender (thats the best I can do at being politically correct with this picture)
So to sum up thanksgiving-thawing my turkey in the bathtub, shooting guns in Coalville. Hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving. Next post, waking up at 2 AM only to sit in the rain and find out Target doesn't carry Wii Fits.
Of course I was the best shot, I grew up on a farm! That's what we did for fun.
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