So Sunday night, Bryan and I are laying around talking about Christmast traditions and what we would like to keep from each family. Bryan mentions a tradition where his family would make Spritz cookies and hang them on the tree; and my family would simply make 200 Spritz cookies and Spenser would eat them all. So as we are talking about this, I mention that I wish I had a Spritz Maker. This then reminds me that we had this exact same combination last year and started wondering why we hadn't bought one. Then it hits me. I think my Mom bought me one last year for Christmas, and I think it's in our cupboard along with an apple peeler and a blender we have never used. Sure enough there it is, in all it's glory.
So Last night Bryan and I look over the recipe, decide we have everything that we need to make the cookies and are going to attempt this.
Well my Mom's recipe and the box recipe say specifically, not to use vegetable oil substitutes for margarine or butter. well that is all that we had so we used it anyway. We now know why. It's oily and does not make the shapes that they are supposed to. Let's just say my cookies look nothing like Mom's cookies. But, they taste good which is all that really matters. Here's some pics of my cookie adventure.
As you can see from my face, i'm struggeling and me and the spritz maker are having a fight. The cookies refused to stick to the pan or make pretty tree shapes.
Here are my best and my worst cookies. The one in the middle is a reject cookie, so Bryan had to eat it.
"Are those Christmas dog poos?"
- Aaron Smith
"Don't tell her I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants."
- Aaron Smith
I don't like Aaron anymore. It's official.
Hey! wait a second here, Kj was the one who was originally laughing so hard at the picture that i had to come over to see what happened. Your best cookie was very nice, but you have to admit, the worst has an odd shape to it.
you really suck with those cookies presses don't you? Keep practicing!
I've never even heard of a spritz cookie before. But looks like you had fun making them.
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