This year, Bryan and myself decided that were were going to take advantage of the sales on Black Friday; we decided to wake up at 2 AM, drive to the target in Sandy and sleep in our sleeping bags (by the way, didn't seem like such a great idea at 2 AM when I actually had to wake up and drive)
So we get to Target and we are #3 in line HOLY CRAP!! Extremely lucky. Well it was nice to just lay on the ground in sleeping bags for hour. Than the rain comes, a few drops at first, than a torential downpour. This is at 3:30 in the morning, I still have 2 and a half hours to wait for the doors to open, my sleeping bag has turned into a river and my pillow turned into a giant sponge. I was miserable. So Bryan and I debate whether or not its worth it and decide to suck it up and stay. So we wait around for another couple hours; in the process we watch a guy get escorted from the line for budging, we got glared at by the Nazi line lady who would stop every person walking to the front of the line asking when they got there, and met a nice lady who brought along her 4 children to guard their basket with their lives.
During this time there is a security guard wandering around answering questions "where are the digital picture frames?" "behind the counter", "do you guys have Wii Fits?" "Yup, a whole display of them". This of course gets us excited and we decide that we are going to buy 3 Wii Fits and sell them on eBay. Well 5:55 AM rolls around and we are all practically jumping up and down (us and the 400 people behind us) Let me tell you, ntohing is scarier than knowing that there are 400 people in line behind you who will happily trample you to the ground just to get that Xbox or $300 26 inch flat screen TV, I was borderline terrifed.
6 AM, the doors open, Bryan screams "GO" and I sprint past the 2 people in front of me in line and bolt straight for electronics. FIRST PERSON THERE!!!! I ask where the digital pic frames are, there's a display case of about 200 of them. So I grab and find someone else "where are the Wii Fits"..."WE DON'T HAVE ANY"
I have been in line since 2 flipping AM and you don't have any freaking Wii Fits!!!! I was pissed off. So instead I induldge myself in $40 worth of movies.
After Target we hit up Wal-Mart and decide that all the other sales can wait till that afternoon. We run home and sleep for 5 hours than hit the sales again.
That is when we decide, on a whim, to stop by Game Crazy and ask for a Wii. They have 1 left in stock, so of course we buy it!!!!
I LOVE IT!!! This thing is amazing, my legs are killing me today and have been for the past 2 days. This thing weighs you, tells you your BMI; although I don't like the fact that it makes my Mii slightly heavier to resemble the real me, and the way the board SIGHS everytime I step on it like it can't breath. So below are a couple pics of Bryan and I working out. And yes we may look stupid but everyone does on the Wii.
I'm doing step aerobics. And yes, I know i'm Sexy!!

Bryan doing Yoga, I never ever thought i'd see this. He also got a better score than me.
So, over all I would say it was worth it, but will I do it again next year? Probably not. Would I recommend a Wii Fit? Heck yes I would!!! Just don't be offended by the fat Mii's and the sighing board. It's nothing personal.
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