Enjoy the pictures of my adorable baby
So lets just say that blogging is going to be few and far between for the next couple weeks, until Caelum gets this whole sleep thing down. To be honest we have been extremely lucky with him. He rarely cries, he actually enjoys baths, and at nights he will sleep for up to 5 hours straight which is unheard of for a baby. However i'm still not used to it. Also, I have not trained myself to tell the difference between his "i'm just going to randomly make noises in my sleep and i'm actually awake whines" that he makes everynight. So that means last night I only got 30 min of sleep....good times. So i'm trying to sleep when he sleeps during the day but it's harder then I thought it would be.
he is so cute! sorry about the no sleep though, yuck!
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