I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I married a country boy. A man who lived on a farm during the summers and castrated pigs, moved pipe every morning and spent his afternoons shooting birds with his cousins. Yup, country boy. Well, ever since we got married he has been saying he wanted a gun. His grandpa has offered one of his but we both know he's not done with them yet (you just can't take a gun away from an Idaho man until he's dead, it's just wrong).
So I told Bryan we could start saving for a gun and he has been doing it religiously. We have a Cow Bank that sits next to our TV (I dont' believe in Piggy Banks, I don't like Pigs, I like cows) and every time Bryan has had change he has placed it in that Cow. Well we realized that at the rate he was going that our first kid would be like 4 years old before he got his gun. So I told him we could go to the Gun Show this weekend and look at some and then we'd see.

So anyway, we go and look for a gun, I find the one that Bryan has been wanting since he first mentioned a gun and we bought it. I think this is probably Bryan's 3rd happiest moment ever, coming in very very closely behind marriage and finding out about baby.
Well, so Bryan decides to take me out to lunch wherever I want and on the way I start asking what would happen if we got pulled over by a cop with the gun in the car, since Bryan's concealed weapon permit hasn't arrived yet. He says that nothing will happen and don't worry about it, plus the chances of us getting pulled over today are like one in a billion.
Well guess what freaking happened!!!! After lunch we're on an off ramp and sure enough we get pulled over for expired tabs (i'm a total flake when it comes to registering my car). I practically start hyperventilating because i'm driving the car and all I can think about is how there is a gun under Bryan's seat and this cop is going to throw a pregnant woman on the ground and tazer her! Bryan keeps telling me it's OK and don't worry about it but by this time my anxiety has reached the baby and he's freaking out in the form of kicking the crap out of me and breaking into hiccups. I over compensate with the cop by trying to be really funny (I try to be funny when i'm nervous, ask my phlebotemist sp?) and by the time we were done i'm sure he thought this preggo has lost her mind.
Luckily he let us go with a warning and the gun never came up. One in a billion, that was my chance of getting pulled over the freaking day we buy and keep a gun in the car and it happened. For people who doubt the Lord has a sense of humor, here is your proof, i'm sure he was bent over laughing watching me hyperventilate and getting beaten up by my baby while trying to make jokes with a cop. Oh good times.
That's pretty funny. What are the chances???
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