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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mushy Moment

3 years ago yesterday I was set up on a blind date with this guy. When I first walked in he was sitting on a couch, looking really young and nervous and wearing a Vote For Pedro shirt. By the end of that night I knew I wanted to spend more time with him, I wanted it enough that I was willing to drive up to Idaho the next weekend. After which I decided I wanted to be with him for a couple months and 2 months later I realized I wanted to be with him Forever.

Looking back we had no idea that we that first date would turn into what it is today. That in that time we would get married, switch jobs (a couple times), move to a place twice the size of our first, become parents to 3 cats, travel around the country and be 24 weeks pregnant with our first child.
Bryan is everything I have ever wanted, needed and way more then I deserve. I'm so happy that I decided to go on that date and take a chance on a freshly returned missionary.
If I was ever to give dating advice to anyone it would be this: date people who you normally wouldn't date, give people a chance even though they aren't what you expected, be open and realize that sometimes you need someone with qualities you never ever even considered.

Love you honey

This pic is from our second date back in Nov of 2006


MJ said...

I'm glad you posted this. Sometimes it just doesn't seem worth it, but then seeing couples like you and Bryan remind me that it can happen and it is worth it. You both are amazing and I'm glad to know you!